Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow...
$37.900Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker meat, stewed in neapolitan sauce, cooked with pomodoro and fine herbs.
Three handmade pasta rolls with sirloin stroganoff, mushrooms, bacon, and...
$44.900Three handmade pasta rolls with sirloin stroganoff, mushrooms, bacon, and au gratin with carbonara sauce, mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese. + Your favorite soda, choose from: hibiscus flower, coconut lemonade,...
With dried tomatoes, shredded chicken, shrimp in garlic butter, pesto...
$43.900With dried tomatoes, shredded chicken, shrimp in garlic butter, pesto sauce, mozzarella and parmesan cheese, served with bread rolls.
Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow...
$34.900Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker meat, stewed in neapolitan sauce, cooked with pomodoro and fine herbs.
Artisanal pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker...
$35.900Artisanal pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker meat, braised in neapolitan sauce, cooked with pomodoro, fine herbs and chicken.
Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker...
$36.900Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with slow cooker meat, braised in neapolitan sauce, cooked with pomodoro, fine herbs, chicken and mushrooms
Three artisan pasta rolls stuffed with artisan ham, bacon and...
$35.900Three artisan pasta rolls stuffed with artisan ham, bacon and mozzarella, au gratin with white, neapolitan and parmesan sauce.
Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with chicken....
$34.900Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with chicken.
Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with chicken...
$37.900Artisan pasta sheets, gratin mozzarella and parmesan, stuffed with chicken and mushrooms.
Three artisan pasta rolls in rosé sauce, stuffed with shrimp...
$37.900Three artisan pasta rolls in rosé sauce, stuffed with shrimp and crab sticks, au gratin with white, neapolitan and parmesan sauce.
Three artisan pasta rolls stuffed with artisan ham, sautéed mushrooms...
$33.900Three artisan pasta rolls stuffed with artisan ham, sautéed mushrooms and mozzarella, au gratin with white, neapolitan and parmesan sauce.