Creamy rice with blue cheese, white wine and pepper, with...
$31.900Creamy rice with blue cheese, white wine and pepper, with broccoli, chicken fillet and parmesan finished with cilantro
Creamy rice with Neapolitan sauce and white sauce with white...
$33.900Creamy rice with Neapolitan sauce and white sauce with white wine and pepper, with sirloin, San Marzano tomatoes and parmesan, finished with basil
Creamy rice with creamy pesto sauce, white wine and pepper,...
$34.900Creamy rice with creamy pesto sauce, white wine and pepper, with garlic salmon, San Marzano tomatoes parmesan, finished with chives
Beef tenderloin on a bed of arborio rice in mushroom...
$54.900Beef tenderloin on a bed of arborio rice in mushroom sauce with sundried tomatoes and mushroom Paris; with a touch of coriander and parmesan.
Arborio rice in bisque sauce, coconut milk, white wine and...
$54.900Arborio rice in bisque sauce, coconut milk, white wine and parmesan, with prawns, shrimp, squid and roasted bell peppers.