Sesame crusted diced chicken; with bacon, feta cheese, San Marzano...
$39.900Sesame crusted diced chicken; with bacon, feta cheese, San Marzano tomatoes, avocado and glazed mushrooms in a balsamic reduction, on a mix of lettuces in a campiña vinaigrette.
Shrimp, squid rings and garlic crab sticks, with green olives,...
$44.900Shrimp, squid rings and garlic crab sticks, with green olives, crispy leek onion and San Marzano tomatoes; on a mix of lettuces in Mediterranean vinaigrette.
Diced chicken, pesto penne pasta, sweet corn, feta cheese, sesame,...
$34.900Diced chicken, pesto penne pasta, sweet corn, feta cheese, sesame, San Marzano tomatoes and avocado; on a mix of lettuce, accompanied with a campiña vinaigrette.